Top 13 Healthy Breakfast Foods that Help to Manage your Thyroid Illness

Hello, lovely people of the globe. Welcome to the breakfastie - Healthy breakfast food.

 I am back with another vital and important topic. In today's post, we will talk about the top 13 foods that help to manage your thyroid. I want to see my beautiful world healthier and more beautiful. Have you overheard your family or friends discussing thyroid issues and are curious? What was the nature of the illness?

Well, it’s a medical condition where your thyroid gland which is located in the center of your neck unable to produce enough thyroid hormone. Maybe you didn’t hear about any more what’s thyroid hormone does with our body. What kind of functions your thyroid gland and hormones are responsible for? Now I am briefly explaining to you its functionality in your body.  You might have not heard about it a lot but your thyroid gland is responsible for making hormones that regulate your energy level. It also enhances the metabolism, mood, heart rate, and many other important tasks of your body.

Moreover, have you noticed that some in your surrounding area suffering from thyroid you may share these tips with him or her? I am pretty sure these Top 13 healthy foods help him or her to manage thyroid symptoms effectively. Let’s move on the further details about the thyroid and its symptoms. If anyone among you is suffering from thyroid may have noticed that you are gaining weight without any specific reason. And you are facing fatigue, laziness, depression, dryness in your skin as well as in your hair.

A study shows that almost more than 12% of Americans are suffering from thyroid in their lifetime. According to an estimation, around 20 million Americans are suffering from some type of thyroid disease. Up to 60% of them are unaware that they are suffering from some form of thyroid disorder. Not only just Americans are suffering from thyroid illness but all around the world many people suffering and fighting. I just want to help the beautiful people of the world to fight not only this disease but each kind of Illness by doing some dietary modification.

If you feel or see any of above mention symptoms you must go to the doctor’s office for your health examination. There are many healthy foods that are very necessary to meet the daily intake of nutrients to health your thyroid gland. 

Top 13 Healthy Breakfast Foods that Help to Manage your Thyroid Illness:

  1. Iodized Salt
  2. Berries
  3. Apples
  4. Chicken and beef
  5. Yogurt
  6. Brazil nuts
  7. Seaweed
  8. Chickpeas
  9. Sardines
  10. Bone broth
  11. Artichokes
  12. Olive oil
  13. Oysters

1. Iodized Salt:

Iodized Salt -Thyroid Food
Iodized Salt

The number one reason for producing thyroid hormone is iodine deficiency. It can lead to hypothyroidism and goiter. Goiter is one of the most common disorders of thyroid hormone. Did you know that your body does not produce iodine itself? That’s why we have to eat those foods which contain a good amount of Iodine. The best to consume iodine is iodine salt.  Iodine Salt is one of the top healthy foods that help to heal your thyroid.

The daily recommendation of the intake of iodized salt is 150 micrograms per day or about ½ teaspoon. You can add it by cooking your meals throughout the day. But make sure do not exceed from daily recommended quantity.

2. Berries:

Berries are our Second top healthy breakfast food that helps to heal your thyroid illness. Berries are low in glycemic index which didn’t increase the level of blood sugar in your bloodstreams. It means there are no insulin spikes and no insulin spikes mean there is no single to the excretion of insulin hormones. When there is no excretion of insulin then our body doesn’t store our food as fat. It means there is no weight gain. Are you getting my point why do I want to say?

Berries - Thyroid Breakfast food

Let me explain first all of these things. As I told you that berries are low in glycemic index which means there are no insulin spikes and less fat storage which is very helpful to your thyroid. Berries are high in antioxidants which are beneficial to your thyroid. Researchers have proven that people suffering from thyroid have high levels of harmful free radicals. The antioxidants may kill these harmful free radicals. I hope that berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or any kind of berries will help you detoxify your body effectively.

Are you looking for healthy Breakfast Foods for Young and Healthy Skin? Go and check out my other post and leave your thoughts in the comment area. I’d love to know about your experiences.

 3. Apples:

You must be heard this saying in your life

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Yeah, right guess apples are our third top healthy breakfast food that helps to heal your thyroid. Apples are high in pectin, a gelatinous fiber that aids your body to remove heavy metals especially mercury from your body. Did you like eating apples daily? Which fruits is your favorite let me know in the comment area?

Apples - Thyroid Breakfast food

Have you known it before having heavy metals in your body like mercury can keep your thyroid being able to use the iodine it needs?  Studies have shown that pectin significantly enhances the ability of the excretion of toxic metals in your body. It also can reduce that heavy metal to around 74% if you eat enough apples. Your body will flush out all the bad stuff away.

4. Chicken and beef:

Our fourth top healthy breakfast foods that help to heal your thyroid are chicken and beef.  Chicken and beef are high in zinc which is a very important nutrient to heal your thyroid. If you are taking a very little amount of zinc it can lead to thyroid illness.  If you already suffering from thyroid you may be also zinc deficient. Your thyroid hormones help to absorb zinc. When this happens, you may develop severe alopecia, an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles and causes them to fall out in clumps.

 Most people in the United States get enough zinc from their diets, but if you have a poor diet or a GI disorder that prevents you from absorbing zinc, you could be at risk for a deficiency. Chicken and beef are excellent sources of protein. A serving of beef chuck roast contains 7 milligrams of sodium. Three milligrams of zinc are found in a three-ounce beef patty, and 2.4 milligrams of zinc are found in a three-ounce serving of dark chicken meat.

5. Yogurt:


Yogurt is our fifth healthy breakfast food that helps to heal your thyroid efficiently. Every spoonful of yogurt acts as a thyroid-protective shield. It's because yogurt is naturally high in vitamin D, and not getting enough of it puts you at risk for obesity and thyroid disease, according to a study. According to the study, over 90% of people with Hashimoto's disease, the most common cause of hypothyroidism, are vitamin D deficient.

In addition to vitamin D, vitamin D has immunity-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties that protect your thyroid from damage. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which aid in the balance of good bacteria in the gut.

6. Brazil Nuts:

Brazilian Nuts
Brazil Nuts

The number six healthy breakfast food that helps to healthy your thyroid is Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are high in selenium, a mineral that is necessary for proper thyroid function, such as converting t4 hormone into active t3. Selenium also protects your thyroid gland from inflammatory byproducts of thyroid hormone production. Many people with a slowdown thyroid or thyroid disease have selenium deficiencies.

Although Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium. The studies have shown that supplementing with 80 micrograms per day can help reduce anti-thyroid antibodies in patients. To avoid consuming too much selenium, limit your intake to 1 to 3 Brazil nuts per day.

7. Seaweed:

Seaweed is our seventh-best healthy breakfast food that helps to heal to cure your thyroid illness. Iodine is widely available in seaweed. Iodine is needed for your thyroid to function properly and produce enough fibroid hormone to meet your body's needs. Most Americans have no trouble getting enough iodine because table salt is iodized. But if you're on a low sodium diet, you may need to supplement your intake with other sources.

Seaweeds are high in iodine, with a single gram containing anywhere from 11 percent to more than 1989 percent of your daily value. However, eating too much seaweed, as well as too much iodine, can be harmful to your thyroid. Avoid seaweed teas and supplements and stick to one fresh seaweed salad per week.

8. Chickpeas:

Did you ever have to make a chickpea dish or add chickpeas to your salad? One of my favorite foods is chickpea hummus with multigrain bread. Which foods do you prefer to eat the most? The number eight healthy breakfast food that helps to manage your thyroid.

Constipation is one of the most issues concerned with thyroid disease, and chickpeas are high in fiber, which can help control constipation. Chickpeas also contain zinc, which is an important nutrient for thyroid health. Chickpeas can be eaten in salads or tossed in olive oil with Brussels sprouts. And cauliflower before roasting in a 400-degree oven until soft.

9. Sardines:


Sardines is the number nine healthy breakfast food that helps to manage your thyroid. These nutritionally small oily fish are great for supporting thyroid function because they're high in omega-3 fatty acids. Which can help reduce inflammation and boost immunity, lowering your risk of thyroid disease. People with thyroid disorders have a hard time producing fatty acids. That their bodies require to function properly, and sardines can help provide the right amount of these fatty acids.

Sardines can be difficult to eat plain, so make a recipe with them. Simply simmer them in tomato sauce with red pepper flakes and minced rosemary leaves. Then serve over penne pasta with grated Asiago cheese on top.

10. Bone Broth:

Bone broth is our number ten healthy breakfast food that helps to control your thyroid. Kobe Bryant made popular bone broth recently, and for good reason: by eating bone broth, you can kill two birds with one stone. First, bone broth contains the amino acids glycine and proline. Which helps repair your digestive lining and improve thyroid disorder. Second, having thyroid disease can make your bones weak and even fracture; bone broth can help strengthen your bones. 

For the best results, consume a cup of bone broth for lunch or dinner; simply toss in some vegetables and ensure that they are properly cooked.

11. Artichokes:

Artichokes - best thyroid food

Artichokes are the number-eleventh of the best healthy breakfast foods for healing the thyroid. It is rich in iodine which is the most important element for your thyroid. Health thyroid is caused when your thyroid gets bigger in an effort to pull more iodine in and out of the bloodstream. So if you have thyroid the most common treatment is a diet high in iodine. When consuming artichokes fresh is always best if you purchase canned bottled.

 Or even frozen artichoke hearts citric acid is often harmful to your health. You must be avoided canned and processed foods while curing your thyroid illness.

12. Olive oil:

Olive oil is our twelfth healthy breakfast food that can help with thyroid symptoms. If you cook on a regular basis, always use olive oil. It contains healthy fats and nutrients that help to increase thyroid hormone levels. Olive oil also lowers bad cholesterol, which aids in weight loss and keeps your heart healthy. Both of which are necessary for thyroid health. Make sure not to overdo it on the olive oil; for the best results, use up to 10 tablespoons per day.               

13. Oysters:

Oysters are our last healthy breakfast food item that helps to fight your thyroid disorder. As said before, oysters are one of the best dietary sources of zinc. Which is critical and supplementary to a healthy thyroid. In fact, your body requires enough zinc to activate the production of thyroid hormone. And in turn, you require enough thyroid hormone to absorb the zinc.

Oysters - Healthy food for Thyroid

 A zinc deficiency can likely result in a slowdown in metabolism and thyroid problems. Zinc is required for the production of white blood cells, which aid in the body's defense against pathogens, resulting in a better immune system and a more controlled thyroid. Oysters are also high in copper, which is required for thyroid function and collagen formation.


Thank you for staying with me until the end. I've listed 13 of the best healthy breakfast foods to help you fight thyroid disease. Try to incorporate these foods into your daily diet and spread the word about this post to your friends and family. So that we can all assist the lovely Breakfastie community in putting the illness behind us.

Have you or anyone you know who suffers from thyroid issues tried any of the foods I mentioned? If you're looking for Healthy Breakfast ideas for Diabetes Patients, check out my other post. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so please share them in the comments section.


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