If You have Diabetes, There are Top 9 Best Fruit and 8 Worst Fruit for You

 Hey! My love people of the world. welcome back to Breakfastie, I'm back with another extremely important and informative topic that will be of great help to you and your loved ones. In today's post, we will learn about the top 9 best and worst fruits for diabetics.

Did you know that diabetes affected approximately 10.5 percent of the global adult population in 2021 and that by 2045, this figure is expected to rise to more than 12 percent? Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by chronically high blood sugar levels.

Diabetes - Blood Sugar meter
Diabetes - Blood Sugar meter

It is a difficult job to be a diabetic. You must control what you eat while also getting plenty of exercises. Eating fruit every day, whether you have diabetes or not, is essential for a healthy diet. Contrary to popular belief, some fruits contain an abnormally high level of sugar. If you are tired of thinking which fruit best for you and which not. Here we will give a complete list of the best fruit for diabetes and the worst fruit for diabetes.

This results in an increase in blood sugar levels. Finding a diabetes-friendly fruit that can assist you in keeping your blood sugar within a healthy range is challenging. Is there a solution? If you have diabetes, here are the best and worst fruits to eat. Are peaches and apples healthy? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the best and worst fruits for diabetics.

Here is a complete list of the Top 9 Best Fruit for Diabetes: 

  1. Blueberries 
  2. Peaches
  3. Apricots
  4. Apples
  5. Oranges
  6. Kiwi
  7. Pear
  8. Cherry
  9. Strawberries

Let's begin with the best fruit for diabetes

1. Blueberries:


There is good news for a diabetic that blueberries are superfoods for diabetics. These tiny tangy fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It not only improves overall health but also helps to eliminate free radicals.

A bowl of purple salad with blueberries, purple cabbage, and feta cheese will help long-term diabetics increase insulin sensitivity and glucose processing. A diabetic's best friend is blueberries, strawberries, or any other berry in general. It's also the best way to deal with sugar cravings. With a glycemic index of 53, these miracle berries can also be added to parfaits and yogurt. What a great way to start the day! How do you feel about blueberries?  What about in a salad? Barriers are on top of the list in the best fruits for diabetics.

What about the juice? Let us know in the comments!

2. Peaches:

Peaches are known as the fruit of summer. Peaches are also known as the best fruit for
diabetes patients. They are a great addition to your daily diet because they are low in calories and high in fiber, potassium, and vitamins A and C. It is the ideal fruity treat for diabetics to satisfy sweet tooth cravings while also aiding in weight loss. It's up to you whether to make peach smoothies or salad with them.

The antioxidants and vitamin C content aid in the fight against free radicals, making your skin and hair appear healthier and softer. Are looking for a healthy breakfast option? Then read another post on Top 12 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Diabetes Patients

3. Apricots:


Apricots' sweet flavor and high nutrient content make them an excellent addition to your diet. They are high in vitamins A, C, potassium, copper, and manganese. Eating dried and whole fresh apricots helps to keep blood sugar levels stable.

In contrast to commercial sweets and chocolate, which contain sugar and refined carbohydrates. Diabetics can enjoy it thinly sliced with peanut butter toast for a nutritious meal. Their low glycemic index and nutrient content aid in diabetes management. They also aid digestion and make the body feel full.

4. Apples:

An apple a day may keep the doctor at bay. Keeping a close eye on carbohydrate intake is critical for diabetics. You may believe that apples contain carbs, but the fiber in them helps to counteract this effect and keeps blood sugar levels stable. A medium-sized apple contains approximately 25 grams of carbohydrates. The fiber content is approximately 4 grams.

This slows down digestion and allows glucose to enter the bloodstream more slowly. It's fantastic news for diabetics that apples include in the best fruit for diabetes list.

5. Oranges:

When you think of an orange, you probably think of vitamin C and citrus, but it's much more than that! Citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons, limes, and oranges are also high in vitamin A and iron. If you eat oranges while taking a sunbath it adds more taste to it. All the nutrients which are available in oranges make them the best fruit for diabetes.

They contain nutrients that reduce inflammation, the possibility of cell damage and protect the heart. Diabetes is manageable with the help of folate and potassium. They're high in fiber and have a low GI index, and they're one of the few fruits that are slowly released into the bloodstream. To get the most out of oranges or any other fruits, eat them whole rather than drinking the juice.

6. Kiwi:

Kiwi is a great choice for diabetics. It is not only delicious, but it is also high in antioxidants. With the emphasis on improving immunity these days, it is also a great way to keep your immune system healthy.

Kiwis 🥝
Kiwis 🥝 

This is due to the presence of free radicals, which destroy any toxins in the body. Kiwi promotes heart health! It has a low GI index of 53, making it an excellent addition to a diabetic meal plan.

7. Pear:

Pears are a delicious fruit and also the best fruit for diabetes. Their nutritional benefits can actually aid in the management of the condition. They also have a low glycemic index, which means they won't spike your blood glucose levels too quickly.

You should go for it as long as you keep your portions in mind and eat them alongside other nutritious foods. They are high in nutrients and vitamins, which have a variety of health benefits such as fighting inflammation and aiding digestion.

Always eat a whole pear with the skin on it because the fruit jacket contains the majority of the nutritional value.

8. Cherry:


Cherries are more than just a tasty cake topper. They have some incredible health benefits which make them the best fruit for diabetes when eaten properly. One cup of cherries contains 52 calories and approximately 12 grams of carbs, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

Did you know that they also contain melatonin, which aids in sleep? They also have diabetic goodness when it comes to blood sugar. Despite their small size, they are high in antioxidants and have a low GI index, which helps to keep blood sugar stable.

They also protect heart health in addition to all of these advantages. Are you thinking about making some dietary changes?

9. Strawberries:

Did you know that one cup of strawberries contains more Vitamin C than an orange? These delectable berries have a very low GI index and are therefore completely safe for diabetics and consider as best fruit for diabetes. Strawberries contain a variety of beneficial nutrients, including antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin C.

Berries in general, such as blackberries and blueberries, are ideal for satisfying sweet tooth cravings. They are also known for their detoxifying properties, which help to keep your immune system in good shape.

After reading all the best fruit for diabetes now move to next what should you avoid?

Let's look at the Top 8 fruits that are the worst for diabetics:

  1. Pineapple
  2. Mango
  3. Watermelon
  4. Banana
  5. Grapes
  6. Raisins
  7. Lychees
  8. Dates

1. Pineapple:


They are a great way to stay healthy because they are high in Vitamin C, manganese, and antioxidants. Unfortunately, they are not good news for diabetics. Because of this, it is added to the list of worst fruit for diabetes.

Pineapples, which rank extremely high on the GI index, contain massive amounts of sugar, resulting in exponential blood sugar spikes. If you still want to eat this amazing fruit, make sure to pair it with low-carbohydrate foods. Keep an eye on your total carbohydrate intake for a healthy, balanced diabetic diet.

2. Mango:

It is frequently referred to as the "King of Fruits."

Diabetics should avoid this tropical delight. Unfortunately, mangoes are also added to the list of worst fruit for diabetes. Mangoes are high in essential vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy addition to almost any diet.

They do, however, contain a lot of calories, sugar, and carbs, which is another common cause of blood sugar spikes. If you still want to enjoy a mango smoothie or slices, choose firm mangos rather than pulpy ones.

3. Watermelon:

Watermelons have a number of health benefits as well as a variety of minerals and nutrients. These include vitamins A, B, and C, as well as folate, fiber, and magnesium. All these nutrients and vitamins add watermelon to the list of worst fruit for diabetes.

They are high in sugar and contain a lot of antioxidants, in addition to hydrating you. Watermelon, while present in natural form, will cause blood sugar levels to spike if consumed in large quantities. With a GI index of 72, it should be consumed in moderation or avoided entirely. If you consume in excess then it will worst fruit for diabetes. 

Watermelon 🍉
Watermelon 🍉 

4. Banana:

A banana is a great fruit to have for breakfast in the morning. But it worst fruit for diabetes. It keeps you moving throughout the day. Diabetics should avoid them, even though they are healthy for everyone else! Bananas are high in carbohydrates, sugar, and calories. It causes a rapid rise in blood sugar after consumption.

Despite the fact that it contains fiber, diabetics should avoid eating it because even a medium-sized banana contains 14 grams of sugar.

5. Grapes:

Red Grapes
Red Grapes

Grapes are an excellent source of essential nutrients such as Vitamin C, K, and fiber. They help to boost the immune system, are excellent brain food, and improve the appearance of your hair and skin. A cup of grapes contains approximately 23 grams of sugar, which is bad news for all diabetics. Popping a couple of them may appear harmless, but it can lead to serious problems if not controlled.

6 Raisins:

Raisins are a type of sweet that has recently gained popularity as a superfood. They are high in antioxidants, low in calories, and high in fiber, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Unfortunately, diabetics cannot consume them.

They are high in sugar, and despite being a healthy snack, they contain carbs that are converted into sugar when released into the bloodstream. Try to limit your raisin consumption or simply enjoy them in moderation. 

7. Lychees:


Lychee is high in vitamin C, potassium, copper, and manganese. Furthermore, they are high in fiber, which aids in weight loss. Sugar is present in all fruits, but the type of sugar found in lychee is unique and may be harmful to diabetics.

It's also not a good choice for pregnant women because each piece contains a whopping 29 grams of sugar.

8. Dates:

Dates have become one of the most popular sugar substitutes over the years. Dates, due to their sticky nature, are also used as a binding agent in homemade granola bars. Because they have been dried and processed, they are highly concentrated in calories and sugar. A quarter cup of dates contains 100 calories.

If you don't have your diabetes under control, it's best to avoid dates. 

Which fruits were left out? How do you manage diabetes?

Please leave your suggestions in the comments!


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  1. Very interesting and informative.
    Information regarding each and every fruit was just stunning.

  2. Again thankful, can you suggest some routine diet for living away from markets and cities, having diabetes. The ratio of diabetes effected is more as you quoted, I don't challenge your number, your more input in this regard could be significant for diabetes patients.

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