Top 15 healthy Breakfasts for Heart Health that lower the risk of Heart Attack

Good morning lovely people of my world welcome to breakfastie.

We are back with another episode of our blog. Here is what we discuss let us think. Yeah, you think it is right. We are back with some more interesting topics for our loving readers who love to maintain their healthy breakfasts. We are here to discuss the Top 15 healthy breakfasts for heart health. By maintaining your diet you save yourself from a heart attack. All the organs in the body are important but the heart plays a vital role in the body.

Most of our audience think why only the Heart plays an important role in the body? The answer is that the heart pumps the blood to the whole body. It is the primary organ of the circulatory system. So healthy breakfasts for heart health is most important. A perfect breakfast saves you from a heart attack.

Heart Healthy Old couple
Heart-Healthy Old Couple

The main four functions of the heart are as below:

  • Pumping oxygenated blood to other parts of the body
  • Pumping hormones and other important elements to the different body parts.
  • Receiving oxygenated blood and carrying the metabolic waste product from the body and then pumping it to the lungs for oxygenation.
  • Maintain blood pressure in the body. 

According to a survey, Heart Attack accounts for one-third of all deaths in the whole world. In the United States, people die every 36 seconds due to a Heart Attack. Why are you all scared while reading this article, don’t be scared we are here for you and let you know how to save yourself from cardiovascular disease. Research suggests that these heart diseases can be controlled by changing lifestyles and by a better diet. Daily exercise, quitting smoking, and also taking less stress in your life will help to maintain your heart healthy.

Diet always paly a vital role in heart health. Some foods can increase your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and inflammation. These all are risk factors for the heart. In this article, we will tell our readers about which fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood are best for heart health. Read the article till the last line to get a better understanding of food. A little change in food will help you in a bigger way.

Here is a complete list of healthy breakfasts that you must use for Heart Heath:

  1. Garden Asparagus
  2. Whole Grain
  3. Berries
  4. Avocado
  5. Fish
  6. Walnut
  7. Beans
  8. Dark Chocolate 
  9. Tomatoes 
  10. Almonds
  11. Seeds (Chia Seeds & Flaxseed)
  12. Garlic
  13. Olive Oil
  14. Green Tea
  15. Coffee

1. Garden Asparagus:

Garden Asparagus - Heart Healthy food
Garden Asparagus 

When we are talking about a healthy breakfast for the heart, the Asparagus is on top of the list. Asparagus is low in calories and is also a great source of nutrients like fiber, Folate, and vitamins (A, C, K). Asparagus has many health benefits because of the nutrients they have. It will help in lowering blood pressure, maintaining body weight, and also helpful in carrying a healthy pregnancy. 

So this vegetable is not only beneficial for the heart but also beneficial for our beloved women for carrying a healthy pregnancy. Beautiful ladies what you think about this vegetable let us know by dropping a comment below. 

2. Whole Grain:

Whole Grains - Heart Healthy foods
Whole Grains 

Whole grain, yep you read it right. Whole grain has many health benefits. It includes nutrient-rich parts which are: germ, endosperm, bran. Now you are thinking about what type of whole grain you buy? So most common types of whole-grain include whole wheat, brown rice, oats, rye, barley, quinoa. Studies have found that including whole grains in your diet can benefit your heart health. If you are using whole grains in your diet it will decrease the risk of heart attack by 22%.

An important tip for our beautiful reader that must read the ingredients before buying whole grain. Whole grain and whole wheat indicate whole-grain products.  Are you looking for some healthy food to manage your thyroid then just read our post on 13 foods to manage thyroid illness

3. Berries:

You are thinking about what barriers. Why are you so worried? Here I am to tell you which types of berries are good. Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, these berries are enriched with nutrients that help to maintain heart health. These berries contain antioxidants like anthocyanins which protect you from stress. Because stress is the major factor in heat attack.

Several studies show that people who eat more berries have a lower risk of heart failure. Institute conducted a study on 33 people who eat two and a half berries for 4week significantly improve their insulin and cholesterol. Cholesterol is a major factor in a heart attack. Many studies show that eating berries on daily basis improved cell function and also helps in reducing LDL bad cholesterol.

4. Avocados:

When we are talking about a healthy breakfast for heart health how do we miss the yummy Avocados? Avocados contain nutrients that are perfect for heart health. Fat, fiber, and omega 3 fatty acids are in avocados. These omega 3 fatty acids of avocados with fried eggs make a perfect breakfast. Like we discuss above berries, if you take berries juice with avocados it will be a perfect full breakfast meal.

Avocados also help in reducing LDL cholesterol and lowering the risk of heart failure. One avocados intake give you 975 milligram of potassium which is the perfect amount that you need in one day. A study is conducted on 45 people who have high LDL cholesterol after taking avocados for 45 days there is a reduction in cholesterol level.

5. Fish:

Yummy yummy in my reader’s tummy. Fish like salmon are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. As we discuss in avocados omega 3 fatty acids help lower LDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids will help you lower your blood pressure and save you from a heart attack. The American heart association recommends eating at least 2 salmon a week. 

6. Walnuts:

Walnuts are the best source of nutrients like magnesium, copper, and manganese. Research shows that eating some amount of walnuts may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Now you are thinking about how you eat walnuts in a breakfast meal. Well, you can make walnut shake a perfect and healthy breakfast.

7. Beans:

Beans are also known as pulses or legumes. Did u know beans such as peas, chickpeas, and lentils are naturally packed with fiber, protein, and antioxidant polyphenols? All these are beneficial for heart health. you must add beans to your healthy breakfast meal.

In an older study conducted by some researchers on 16 people. The result was very impressive because for people who use beans their blood pressure and inflammation are reduced. These show that beans are good food for heart health.

8. Dark Chocolate:

Everyone loves to eat chocolates. Did you know dark chocolate is beneficial for heart health? Yes, you read it write dark chocolate rich in antioxidants like flavonoids. These antioxidants help in boosting heart health. But here is an important thing that is you must eat chocolates within limits.

Eating chocolates in moderation means less than 6 servings per week. If you take this amount of chocolate it may decrease stroke and diabetes as well. One more thing you must keep in your mind is that chocolates are more sugary and have high calories. Always buy high-quality dark chocolates with cocoa of at least 70% and take them in moderation. 

 9. Tomatoes:

When we are writing about a healthy breakfast for heart health how we miss tomatoes. Tomatoes contain lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that helps in neutralizing harmful free radicals. Consuming more tomatoes and lycopene product has a positive effect on blood pressure and endothelial function. A study conducted on 50 women who are overweight and eat 2 tomatoes after every second-day increases the level of good cholesterol.

Hey beautiful, are you worried about the extra body fat which you put on yourself. To get rid of this annoying fat read another useful post on Fat burning food for women. Leave your precious thoughts in the comment area.

10. Almonds:

Almonds are fairly nutrient-dense, boasting a protracted listing of nutrients and minerals which are critical to coronary heart health. They’re additionally a great supply of coronary heart-wholesome monounsaturated fat and fiber, essential vitamins that could assist shield in opposition to coronary heart disease. Research indicates that ingesting almonds will have an effective impact on your LDL cholesterol degrees, too. 

Five ounces (forty-three grams) of almonds each day for six weeks decreased stomach fats and degrees of LDL (bad) LDL cholesterol, hazard elements for coronary heart disease. Research additionally indicates that ingesting almonds is related to better degrees of HDL (good) LDL cholesterol, which may assist lessen plaque buildup and hold your arteries clear.

11. Seeds (Chia seed and flaxseed):

Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds are all superb reasserts of coronary heart-wholesome nutrients, which include fiber and omega-three fatty acids. Numerous research has located that including those kinds of seeds on your weight-reduction plan can enhance many coronary heart disorder hazard factors, which include inflammation, blood stress, cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Chia  Seeds and Flaxseed

For example, hemp seeds are excessive in arginine, an amino acid that has been related to decreased blood tiers of positive inflammatory markers. Furthermore, flaxseed might also additionally assist maintain blood pressure and levels of cholesterol properly managed.

Supplementing your weight-reduction plan with milled flaxseed has many fitness-selling blessings for the body. There is proof that nutritional flaxseed lowers your hazard of cardiovascular disorder and cancer, and can assist different situations like gastrointestinal fitness and diabetes.

Chia seeds are every other superb meals supply for coronary heart fitness. Although extra studies are wanted approximately the results of chia seeds on coronary heart fitness in humans, one have a look at in rats located that ingesting chia seeds diminished blood triglyceride tiers and boosted tiers of useful HDL (good) cholesterol.

12. Garlic:

Who likes garlic comment down so I know? Many research shows that garlic has a positive effect on heart health. garlic can play a vital role in maintaining blood pressure. It contains allicin which is a multitude of therapeutic effects. Garlic also reduces the risk of blood clots and stroke and helps prevent a heart attack.

13. Olive oil:

I love to use olive oil in food. What about you? If you are looking for a healthy breakfast for heart health one should consider using olive oil. Olive oil is naturally filled with antioxidants which can prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease. A study shows that 7216 people are at high risk of heart disease of which 35% person who uses olive oil has a lower risk of a heart attack.

14. Green tea:

Green tea is the best drink if you want to lose weight. Green tea effectively increased leptin and reduced LDL cholesterol after 6 months of using green tea. Green tea naturally contains antioxidants that help to relieve inflammation.

15. Coffee:

Coffee - Heart Healthy food

Who loves to drink coffee? A healthy breakfast for heart health is the most important point but what about drinks? Yes, drinking coffee regularly helps decrease heart attacks and stroke. But keep in mind that don’t add excess sugar it will harmful to heart health.


Thank you for staying with me at the end of the post. I have mentioned the top 15 heart-healthy food that lower the risk of Heart Attacks. I hope you enjoyed today's post. I want my lovely Breakfastie community happier and healthy. If you know about the healthier foods option let me know in the comment box. I am waiting to know your thoughts and suggestions.

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