What is gluten-free food? Eat these gluten-free foods if you have celiac disease.

Good morning😇, to our lovely reader. 

We're back with a very challenging topic that our readers frequently ask about. We are talking about gluten-free food. Most of you have a different question in mind. Some are thinking about why people eat gluten-free food and some don’t either know about gluten-free food. Some people may be diagnosed with celiac disease. What celiac disease is? It is a disease in which a person's digestive and autoimmune systems can damage the small intestine. 

The common symptoms of celiac disease are bloating, diarrhea, gas, weight loss, pain in the abdominal. Celiac disease can be caused by the protein called gluten. 

 What is gluten-free food?

Gluten-free Foods

Gluten is the type of protein that is found in wheat, rye, and barley. It's the protein that helps food hold its shape, usually acting like a glue that holds food altogether. Most of you think that gluten is protein but it is not an essential protein. 

After all the introduction to celiac disease and gluten, if Celiac is diagnosed, your immune system begins to react to gluten and damage the body. The only treatment for celiac disease is to remove gluten from your diet and eat gluten-free food. Gluten is not harmful to all people but if you are diagnosed with celiac them it’s harmful to you.

 There is no age limit for celiac disease, in America, every 1 person in 100 suffer from celiac disease. 

Once you are diagnosed with celiac disease then you must plan your diet accordingly. The gluten-free diet is not for losing weight it is designed for people who have celiac. This will help cure your damaged intestine and facilitate the GUT to absorb all the required nutrients. 

Here we briefly discuss some of the facts on a gluten-free diet. when you are going to buy grocery must read the ingredient label, because some food is made with gluten ingredients. We at breakfastie help you in choosing a perfect diet that helps to cure your disease. 

Eat these gluten-free foods if you have celiac disease:

Here is the complete list that you must follow if you are planning a gluten-free diet.

1. Whole grain

Whole Grains
Whole Grains

Few whole grains contain gluten, but most are naturally gluten-free. It is most important for you when buying groceries must-read labels and picking the gluten-free whole grain. Sometimes whole grains have some ingredients added during processing, so read the label before you buy.

Now, most of you are thinking about which whole grains are gluten-free, so that worry here we share a complete list with you. 

2. Quinoa:

Quinoa is gluten-free and high-fiber plant-based food. Eating quinoa in moderation helps you in maintaining body weight, balancing blood sugar levels. It also improves gut health.

3. Brown Rice:

Brown Rice

Brown rice is enriched with nutrients that keep your heart healthy. Always eat brown rice in moderation to get maximum benefit. Brown rice contains magnesium which helps to maintain heart health. 

4. Buckwheat:

Buckwheat Pancakes
Buckwheat Pancakes

Buckwheat contains fiber which helps in lowering the chance of constipation. Also helpful in improving digestion system, maintaining blood sugar level. Buckwheat is composed of carbohydrates, which boost fiber level and resistant starch. Also a great source of some important protein. 

5. Sorghum:


Sorghum is a plant-based grain that is fully packed with nutrients. It is a wonderful supply of antioxidants and dietary fiber. It is a food of plant origin, which is why it is added to gluten-free foods.

6. Tapioca:


Tapioca is a great source of calcium which helps keep bones stronger and prevents the development of osteoporosis. It is also mixed with iron and other minerals that play an important role in transporting oxygen throughout the body.

7. Millet:


When we are talking about gluten-free food how do we forget about millet? Millet has both soluble and insoluble fiber in it. Insoluble fiber promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in our intestines. It prevents the growth of cancer cells.

8. Amaranth:


Amarnath is a gluten-free food, it helps in lowering LDL bad cholesterol and also protects against inflammation. Eating in moderation also helps to prevent cancer growth, also beneficial in controlling blood pressure. Contain fiber which helps improve the digestion process.

9. TEFF:


TEFF is naturally low in sodium, making it a perfect choice for people with blood pressure or other cardiovascular risk factors.

10. Oats:

All oats are not gluten-free. When you are purchasing oats must read the ingredients label to get to know is gluten-free or not. Because sometimes they are mixed with gluten products during processing.

Whole grain that you must avoid if you are diagnosed with celiac disease:

All types of wheat such as whole wheat, whole berries 

  • Rye 
  • Barley

All the above grains are enriched with gluten. So it is better to avoid these grains and protect yourself from gut damage. 

Best Fruits and Vegetables for Effective Celiac Disease Management:

Here for our beloved breakfastie audience, we list down some good fruits and vegetables that are gluten-free

1. Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are natural sources of nutrients and antioxidants. All fruits are free from gluten. But if you are using some canned fruits and vegetables they are not gluten-free. Because sometimes it is being mixed with some ingredients that have gluten. 

So make sure whenever you buy processed fruits and vegetables they are gluten-free, read the label with care. 

2. Citrus fruits:

Citrus fruits are enriched with vitamin and plant-based compounds. Citrus fruit is always a good source of fiber, and they are low in calories. They help in many ways for example they prevent kidney stones, they help in weight loss. It prevents the growth of cancer cells. 

The best citrus fruits are Lemon and oranges. You must add this fruit to your diet but always eat in moderation. 

3. Bananas:

Bananas are enriched with vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. All these nutrients make bananas a healthy fruit. The manganese part of the banana is good for the skin and potassium helps in heart health and also maintains blood pressure. 

But always take in mind that excess of everything is bad, try to eat in moderation if you eat more it may lead to diabetes. 

4. Apples, peaches, and Pears:

Peaches and pears are an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber, according to research, one fruit per day provides you about 10% of vitamin C

Eating an apple gives you a 20% daily value of fiber to younger people. 

5. Berries:


Who loves to eat berries comment down and let us know. Did you know berries are an excellent source of antioxidants that help improve insulin response?

Eating berries also protect you from cancer. Also beneficial against inflammation, helps in lowering LDL bad cholesterol and give your skin a good look.  

6. Broccoli and cauliflower:

Broccoli is enriched with nutrients that help to prevent the growth of cancer cells and is also gluten-free. It is good for heart health. Also, its chemical composition help maintain eye health and supports the immune system.

7. Mushrooms:

They are an excellent source of fiber and healthy protein. its composition helps to maintain heart health and is also beneficial for diabetes patients. 

8. Carrots:

Carrots are a great source of fiber that helps to maintain blood sugar levels. They are also packed with vitamin K which help strengthen bones, it also helps to prevent the growth of cancer cell. It is a plant-based fiber that is naturally gluten-free.

Fruits and vegetables that you must look at carefully before consumption:

  1. Canned fruits and vegetables 
  2. Frozen vegetables and fruits
  3. Dried fruits and vegetables

Always read the label of the ingredients before buying processed foods, as some ingredients are used to maintain, and these make them as gluten food.

If You Are Allergic to Gluten, You Should Eat the Following Foods:

1. Protein:

Plant-based proteins are always gluten-free and good for health as well. But always read the description because some products contain proteins that are injurious to celiac disease.

When you are choosing protein-based food always remember these products to add in your bucket

Gluten-free proteins are:

  • Nuts and seed
  • Red meat 
  • White chicken
  • Fatty fish omega 3

The food you must avoid if you are diagnosed with celiac disease:

  • Chicken, red meat, and fish that are dipped with bread gum 
  • Protein combined with wheat 

2. Dairy products:

Dairy products are always gluten-free, but if you are opting for something like flavored milk you must read the label. Because it may contain some additives that make them gluten products.

Here is the list of gluten-free products that you should buy:

  • Butter 
  • Cheese
  • Cream
  • Yogurt 
  • Milk

The product that you should never use if diagnosed with celiac disease:

  • Flavored milk is not gluten-free so never consume them

3. Juices or Drinks:

Always try to consume fresh juice or drink because fresh drinks are gluten-free. The processed drinks contain ingredients that are harmful to celiac disease. 

Here are the drinks you consume if you are celiac diagnosed:

  • Pure fruit juice 
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Lemonade Water

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  1. Very cutely written article. Lovely reader will come back for more 😇

  2. Love this!! Thanks for all the information and awareness 👌

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